How To Set Up Auto-Tracking Software In PTZ Security Cameras

How To Set Up Auto-Tracking Software In PTZ Security Cameras

We live in a world where crimes occur daily. There are no ways to stop crimes but, security cameras save the day by deterring crimes. Security cameras are reliable ways to avoid potential crimes such as theft, burglary, and so on.

These crimes can sometimes cause serious damages; security cameras ensure damage control. They also help record crucial evidence that can later be used to catch culprits. They are efficient ways to track any suspicious activities. Criminals are less likely to break into your premises if you have security cameras installed.

What are PTZ security cameras?

The technological industry is abuzz with PTZ Security Cameras but, a lot of people have no idea as to what ptz camera systems are. Let us try and understand what the buzz is all about. PTZ cameras are pan, tilt, and zoom robotic video security cameras. These cameras have the ability to be controlled remotely.

PTZ security cameras can:

  • Pan horizontally
  • Tilt vertically
  • Zoom in on a subject to enhance the quality of the image without any digital pixelation.

They are widely popular for all the purposes they serve. Some of their features include live video production, sports broadcasting, video conferencing, telemedicine, and security. They are popular and loved for their wide area of coverage.

How to install auto-tracking software on a PTZ camera?

  • Auto-tracking is an advanced technological function.
  • Installing auto-tracking software on a ptz camera enables a single PTZ camera to cover a wider area and to instinctively detect, follow, and record videos of moving objects.
  • These moving objects can be humans, animals, and vehicles.
  • This technology comprises detection and tracking.
  • The auto-tracking function allows the PTZ camera to leverage an electric motor mechanism performing the pan/tilt function to adjust the direction to track moving objects automatically.

Let us now see the steps to install auto-tracking software on a PTZ security camera:

1) On your desktop, open Config Tool, select the PTZ camera
2) Click <Web> and access the web portal of the PTZ camera
3) Now Enter the password of the PTZ camera
4) Click on <login>
5) Click on <PTZ>
6) Now, click on the <Function> option
7) Click on <Preset>. A preset is a memorized and numbered setting for a specific viewpoint for the camera.
8) Adjust the camera to focus on the area for creating a preset
9) Click on the <Add> option once the desired preset is created
10) Click on the <Save> button once the preset is added.
11) Now, click on the <Event> button. Now we need to make sure that the camera’s IVS smart plan is enabled.
12) Click on <Smart plan>
13) Go to <Add plan> and select from saved presets
14) After selecting from saved presets, select <Deep IVS> and click <Save>
15) Click <Deep IVS>
16) Now, select the corresponding preset
17) Click <+>
18) And select <Tripwire> from the dropdown menu
19) Click on <Draw Rule>
20) Draw a Tripwire
21) Select <Direction> and choose direction for triggering
22)  Enable <Alarm track>
23) Choose effective objects such as Humans, motor vehicles, non-motor vehicles and so on
24) Modify <Track time> as preferred
25) Click <Save>
26) Go to the <Live> option to start the demonstration
27) Any target passing through the tripwire will trigger the auto-tracking feature

This step-by-step guide will definitely make auto-tracking installation an easy-breezy task for you!

Locations PTZ Security Cameras are usually installed in:

PTZ security cameras can be easily placed in unique locations. They are very easy to install and cover a vast area because of their impressive mechanical features.

Let us see the list of locations PTZ cameras are installed in:

  • Wall-mounted PTZ cameras: Wall mounts offer eye-level views of vast spaces. A PTZ camera positioned in a balcony also provides overviews of large premises.
  • Ceiling mounted PTZ cameras: These locations provide views from above. They can be used for showing angles views of the scene. Ceiling mounts are the most common of locations. These locations are fail-proof and capture every important element present in the vicinity.
  • Pole mounted PTZ cameras: Pole mounts are generally used to position the camera in places above crowds. Pole mounted PTZs are usually placed lower than ceiling-mounted PTZs.

An added benefit of investing in best ptz camera is their ability to be easily placed in unique locations. PTZ cameras are small and discrete; ideal for security monitoring purposes. Installing them in unique locations such as walls, ceilings, balconies, and so on make them unobtrusive in any type of premises.

What are the advantages of PTZ Security cameras?

PTZ security cameras are popular for their ease of use and the wide range of features and facilities offered by them. Currently, Some of the best PTZ security cameras in the market are Sony SRG-300H, Logitech PTZ pro 2, etc.

We have compiled a list of advantages of PTZ cameras for you to make well-informed decisions regarding your security detail.

Read on:

  • Field of view: PTZ cameras offer a large field of view. They can move anywhere between zero pan/tilt and the full 360-degree pan/180-degree tilt. This feature gives the user control over the required field of view. PTZ Security Cameras can also be paired with ordinary and stationary cameras to augment supervision capability.
  • Motion-based detection and tracking: Pan, tilt, and zoom presets can be adjusted and timed to capture various fields of view over the surveillance premises. The motion of an object such as a human, animal, vehicle, and so on is enough to trigger the auto-tracking system. Auto-tracking system present in PTZs acts like the cherry on top of the cake.
  • Remote control: Tracking suspicious activities have been made easier with these security cameras. Remote security control enables the user to change the view of the field without having to go onsite. The efficacy of these cameras make them popular and widely used.
  • Zooming capacity: PTZ cameras allow users to zoom in on objects that are miles away. The image quality is enhanced and no pixelation occurs.

Such details are important for surveillance and recording evidence.

If you are still not sure about this technology, make it a point to contact VMukti for details. We help you make well-informed decisions and make your security operations effortless!

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