10 Great Advantages Of Remote Security And Video Surveillance

10 Great Advantages Of Remote Security And Video Surveillance

“Amp your security detail with remote security and video surveillance”

We live in an era where crimes are regular occurrences. Crimes can occur anywhere, whether it is a construction site, a metal junkyard or a fully functioning office, or a residential area. In this post-pandemic era, crimes have become even more common. These crippling times have pushed many people, especially the poor, towards committing crimes like burglary, theft, vandalism, and whatnot.

There were around 7 million property crimes reported in 2019- that is 4% lesser than in 2018 and 24% lesser than in 2010. Hence, it has become necessary to monitor and supervise every area to save yourself from being a target of such crimes. You may want to consider investing in remotely monitored video surveillance.

It is important to keep in mind the fact that remote video surveillance alone cannot eliminate crimes, altogether. But it can help catch the criminals. Sometimes, video security contributes to deterring crimes and makes it more likely that burglars, thieves, and vandals will get caught. Hiring security personnel is not a fail-proof way to prevent a crime from happening.

At times thieves appear in gangs; security personnel are not enough to tackle such situations. Often, security personnel are not equipped with proper arms and ammunition to handle dangerous criminals. In such cases, remote security and video surveillance can prove to be more effective and rapid in keeping an area safe. If you are still not convinced, we have compiled a list of advantages of remote security and video surveillance.

Read More This Relevant Blog- How to Choose a Video Surveillance System for Your Business

Read for yourself and make a well-informed decision for yourself. Read on:

  • Cost-cutting: Hiring security personnel can prove to be extremely expensive. To supervise a vast area, many security guards are needed. Maintaining a security budget is not always pocket friendly. Paying each security guard a salary can cost a lot to your company. Even after all this, there is no certainty that a potential crime will be stopped or not. In contrast to this, remote security and video surveillance is a one-time investment that is efficient and guarantees the timely elimination of crimes. Using monitored surveillance will approximately cost your business 25-50% less this will greatly help you cut the cost of your business operations.

  • Reduces crimes: Theft and vandalism, if major can put a hold on business operations and affect the business. A monitored surveillance system can aid in reducing such crimes. There can also be high-cost damages associated with the theft of materials or equipment as well as potential insurance and legal costs. Burglaries account for 16% of all property crimes. In such cases, having remote security and surveillance can work wonders. A study shows that 60% of burglars search for an alarm before breaking into a property. This way, your business will run smoothly, without heavy losses.

  • Can help cut insurance costs: Investing in remote security and video surveillance can usually help your insurance premiums reduce. If you have implemented serious security measures, you may be able to convince your insurance provider to reduce the costs of your monthly premiums. Monitored video surveillance ensures your safety in the case that something does happen down the road, you will be able to prove that you have taken adequate steps towards enhancing security in your property.

  • No monitoring gaps: Hiring security guards does not guarantee foolproof safety and security. You will be depending on people who have limited attention spans. They may not always be fully alert and attentive Security guards can become exhausted while monitoring a vast property and may end up having issues keeping themselves alert and ready against potential threats. They will take regular breaks, making room for burglary and theft. A remote security and video surveillance system, on the other hand, will leave no stone unturned. It will always be running and there will be no chance of looking away at the wrong time. Such a system will be operational 24/7.

  • No room for human error: Security guards are taught to follow certain protocols in case of potential dangers. For example, they are taught to take cover in cases involving serious threats. If they disregard the protocol and decide to challenge the intruder, they may get harmed in the process. If they get harmed, you will be legally liable for their injuries and grievances. To eliminate the uncertainty of human error, a monitored surveillance system must be installed.

  • Monitors multiple areas: The greatest advantage of having a monitored security detail is its ability to simultaneously monitor multiple areas. If you have a huge area and limited funds, it would not be wise for you to invest in multiple security guards. They cannot always be present. If you have a lot of ground that needs to be covered, getting remote security and video surveillance leveraged will be the wisest option for you.

  • Helps increase police response: Due to limited police force and false alarms, police must prioritize the calls they get, carefully. A lot of things can hamper police response. To eliminate the possibilities of false alarms, alarm systems without a visual component are often not given complete priority by police. Monitored video surveillance can hugely contribute to improving police response time. The visual component can encourage police to reach your property quickly.

  • Fewer possibilities of false alarms: If you have multiple false alarms, your business could get penalized. When an alarm includes visual confirmation, the possibility of a false alarm is eliminated. A visual component makes the monitoring more accurate, and everyone involved in your business will know exactly what is happening and will be easily able to identify whether the alarm was false or if there is a serious danger. This way, you will be able to dodge penalties and unnecessary headaches.

  • 24/7 security monitoring: Unlike physical security detail, a remotely monitored security system provides 24/7 security surveillance to your business. All the footage can be seen in real-time and can be recorded and stored for up to four weeks.

  • View coverage from anywhere: An additional benefit of remote security and video surveillance is that once the footage is being recorded, you can easily access it from anywhere.

Read This Trending- The 5 Technology Trends Affecting the Security Surveillance in 2022

Whether you are at home on a computer or on a phone, you will always have access to the footage. You can check your property whenever you feel like it. After reading this extensive article, we are sure you will make a well-informed decision for your business and take a step towards safeguarding it. If you still have doubt in your mind, contact VMukti for details. We will make your security operations seamless!

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